Saturday, January 12, 2008

PETA is full of shit

Don't have a pet. Its a crime according to PETA. After reading this crazy shit you may look at things differently. Turns out an "official report from People for The Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), shows that the animal rights group put to death more than 97 percent of the dogs, cats, and other pets it took in for adoption in 2006."
"The organization took in 3,061 "companion animals" in 2006, of which it killed 2,981."So how many animals were saved and found adoptive homes? The answer is a pathetic 12.
This is just one of the many problems with this fucked up animal rights group. I'm no pet owner but please... just make up your own mind when it comes to this kinda shit. I'm off to eat some Veal.

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